The earthquake generated tsunami waves of up to 22 meters (72 feet) that engulfed the shores, killing at least 192 people; 149 in Samoa, 34 in American Samoa, and 9 in Niuatoputapu, Tonga. Détails de l'événement sismique. The Samoa Tsunami caused by Earthquake in 2009 hit several countries including: Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, the Cook Islands, and Japan. Destructive waves only struck islands near the earthquake’s epicenter, where casualties were significant. The 2009 Samoa Tsunami and Earthquake. And the tsunami struck exactly when Samoa was already facing the full force of the global economic crisis. While some beachfront businesses in the worst hit areas remain closed, many have reopened and are happy to offer the beautiful beach holiday tourists expect from Samoa. Reliant on remittances and tourism, the economy of Samoa shrunk by 5.2 percent in 2009, as things got tougher in sending countries, and the nation’s only major manufacturer—an automotive components plant—laid off more than 1,550 workers.

And the tsunami struck exactly when Samoa was already facing the full force of the global economic crisis.

Dispersive modeling of the 2009 Samoa tsunami Hongqiang Zhou,1,2 Yong Wei,1,2 and Vasily V. Titov1 Received 9 July 2012; accepted 12 July 2012; published 22 August 2012. "We … Economically, Samoa was hit extremely hard. The tsunami was generated by a magnitude 8.1 earthquake that occurred about 190 km southwest of American Samoa at … But by early Tuesday morning, residents and tourists were struck a devastating blow when a massive earthquake hit 120 miles off the coast of the islands, triggering a tsunami that killed hundreds. The Samoa tsunami of September 29, 2009, was the fifth tsunami studied by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) field teams in 15 years, and yet it presented many surprises. These included EERI member and structural engineer Steven Bal-dridge, president of Baldridge & Associates Structural Engineering, and an International Tsunami Sur- vey Team, headed by EERI mem-ber Hermann Fritz … On an idyllic Monday night in 2009, the palm-lined coasts of the American Samoa, Samoa, and Tonga Islands looked peaceful and serene. The 2009 Samoa tsunami resulted in severe damage and inundation at Tutuila, American Samoa. The cultural side of Samoa was affected in many ways. These effects include the sea grass beds at Alepiata beach being scoured and sediment plume and debris soiling the water, food sources such as shellfish being contaminated and habitats supporting marine life being contaminated. 65% of the nation’s income is from tourism.

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