Thus, we are led to conclude that Venus lost at least 99.9% of the water it started out with. If the solar system has an underachiever, it has to be Venus. And yet somewhere along the way, Earth became a cosmic paradise for life as we know it, and Venus became a blistering hellscape. Beneath … Evidence mounts for an ocean on early Venus Second planet from the sun may have been watery millions of years after its birth, simulations suggest I don't entirely know why there is no water on Venus if there was before, I don't know where it went, but that is still one possibility, the temperature on Venus kept on rising a lot and because of this, the water on the planet Venus has been burnt up. But it is very different from Earth. Earth has lots of water, mostly in the form of oceans, rivers, and lakes. Boy we’d be thirsty! The reason for this is that there are heaps of craters and absolutely loads of active volcanoes. So far as we know about Venus, it seems too hot to have any of the life we know. These surface conditions have two effects. We don't know that Venus had oceans, but there's every reason to believe it did. The only water we know of on Venus is in the form of water vapor.

It can be liquid, seen in seas and oceans and lakes. The oceans boiled off, and after some period of time, perhaps 600 million years, there was no surface water.

In the picture below, we can see water in its three states; a solid, a liquid and a gas. The hottest day that we know of on Earth was July 10, 1913.

Indeed, there is almost no water in the air, either. It is closer to Earth than any other planet.
In a cooler time, Venus might really have been "Earth's Twin", with rivers cutting winding channels across it; those channels may remain. (Water vapor is … However, we know that Venus is not molten now, because our landers, and Soviet landers, have landed on a solid surface. The thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide on Venus turns it into a greenhouse (but without the happy plants). Furthermore, we know from the extensive topographic relief long since verified by Earth- and spacecraft-based radar, that the crust of Venus is thick. We do not know enough about its surface to understand if there are traces of previous climates. It can also be a gas, seen as clouds. Well, there isn’t any water on the surface of Venus, in form of rivers, lakes or oceans.
Venus Atmosphere: Although carbon dioxide is invisible, the clouds on Venus are made up of opaque clouds of sulfuric acid, so we can’t see down to the surface using conventional methods. The average temperature on Venus is 461.85 °C. (2) Due to the high atmospheric pressure, the winds on Venus are also relatively slow. Water on Earth is abundant and can be found in its three states of matter. The clouds are mostly made of sulfuric acid and they are much, much higher than most clouds on the Earth. But water is still required for the life forms we know. The planets in the Solar system are given the names of Roman Gods or their assistants. Also, … If there was water on Venus, then maybe the planet got too hot because it kept on getting hotter and so the water all evaporated.

New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars. ... heat from sun could have evaporated water from surfaces of venus releaseing carbon dioxide absorbed in water. Venus is about the same size as Earth — just a little smaller.

Venus, just like Mercury, has no moons. Venus was originally cooler than what it is now and it had a greater abundance of water several billion years ago. Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. (1) There is no water on the surface of Venus.

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