At the time it was the 5th strongest in recorded history… and I can tell you, it was scary! The latest earthquakes in Italy. In 1693, 60,000 people were killed in southern Sicily by an earthquake, and in 1783 most of the Tyrrenian coast of Calabria was razed by a massive earthquake … This is currently the largest earthquake of 2020. It only caused some minor structural damage to buildings in Jamaica and Cayman Islands, and a tsunami warning. The strongest earthquake I have experienced was the 8.8 one we had in the early morning of February 27, 2010.

ACCUMOLI, Italy – At least 159 people have died following a powerful earthquake that hit central Italy early on Wednesday, the country’s civil protection agency says. Today there were four strong earthquakes in four hours in Italy. Another powerful earthquake shook Italy on Sunday, sending panicked people running into piazzas, raining boulders onto highways and toppling a Benedictine cathedral. Italy has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days (You can read about my experience of the 8.8 quake here) Today’s Earthquakes in Italy. The 2020 Caribbean earthquake was the strongest earthquake recorded in the Caribbean since 1946.

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