There is no guarantee that they are going to be able to withstand being closed for this long of a period. There's no guarantee that the more time you spend or the more you concentrate on certain aspects that that's going to produce a better result, especially in the arts. The prime minister has said there is ‘no guarantee’ we will ever find a coronavirus vaccine.

That’s why the chefs who are affected by these closings have taken to so that they can circulate a necessary petition. There's this existential argument that comes in, at some point, when you're over-thinking the songwriting process. Living with Covid-19 will be the new normal ‘for the foreseeable future’ as there is no guarantee of finding a successful vaccine, experts on the disease have said. There is no guarantee that they are going to be able to withstand being closed for this long of a period.

FAUCI: There's no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective.
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